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Free Charity Donations

What could be better than a service that allows you to generate revenue for a charity - without it costing you a dime? The following online services allow you to contribute to charities for free. Many of these operate by encouraging you to carry out quick activities (such as simply clicking a link) to generate a small amount of advertising revenue for the charity. That way, you've traded a few seconds of your time to benefit someone else. Cool, hey?

Featured Freebies

    - By visiting this site and clicking on a specific button, you will effectively be donating free food to a starving person. This donation is paid for by the corporate sponsors whose promotional buttons are seen after your life-giving click.

    - Administered by the same team as the ground-breaking Hunger Site (see above), this site enables you to preserve several square feet of rainforest by clicking on a certain button up to once/day.

More To Explore

The Animal Rescue Site
The Veterans Site
The Breast Cancer Site
The Autism Site
